Social Media Audit


A social media audit is a comprehensive analysis of an organization's social media presence, performance, and strategy. The major and minor components of a social media audit are generally consistent across different types of organizations, but there may be specific considerations for each type. Here's an overview of the major and minor components with considerations for various types of entities:

Major Components of the CROWN Social Media Audit (since 2011)

Profile Assessment

Evaluate the completeness and consistency of social media profiles across platforms. Ensure profile images, cover photos, bios, and contact information are up to date and aligned with brand identity.

Startups should focus on creating a strong brand identity from the beginning. CPG brands should showcase product images. B2B brands should highlight expertise and industry affiliations. Large tech brands should emphasize innovation. Non-profits should convey their mission, and governmental entities should emphasize transparency and public service.

Content Analysis

Examine the type, frequency, and quality of content posted. Assess whether content aligns with brand values and engages the target audience.

Startups may need to experiment with content to find their voice. CPG brands should showcase products and lifestyle. B2B brands should provide valuable industry insights. Large tech brands should share updates on innovations. Non-profits should focus on storytelling and impact. Governmental entities should emphasize public service announcements.

Audience Engagement

Analyze engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and follower growth. Identify which posts resonate most with the audience.

Startups should actively engage with early adopters. CPG brands should encourage user-generated content. B2B brands should nurture leads and connections. Large tech brands should foster discussions around technology trends. Non-profits should build a community of supporters. Governmental entities should respond to citizen inquiries promptly.

Competitive Analysis

Research competitors' social media strategies, content, and engagement to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

Startups should identify gaps in the market. CPG brands should monitor competitors' product launches. B2B brands should benchmark against industry leaders. Large tech brands should track competitors' innovations. Non-profits should collaborate with similar organizations. Governmental entities should learn from successful social media initiatives in other regions.
Minor Components of a Social Media Audit:

Hashtag Analysis

Evaluate the effectiveness of hashtags used in posts and campaigns.

Startups should create unique and memorable hashtags. CPG brands should research trending and relevant hashtags. B2B brands should use industry-specific hashtags. Large tech brands should promote branded hashtags. Non-profits should create awareness hashtags. Governmental entities should use official and relevant hashtags.

Content Calendar Assessment

Review the consistency of posting schedules and the alignment with audience activity times.

Startups should establish a content calendar early. CPG brands should plan content around peak shopping times. B2B brands should sync content with industry events. Large tech brands should coordinate content with product launches. Non-profits should plan campaigns around key events. Governmental entities should schedule posts for peak citizen engagement times.

Paid Advertising Analysis

Evaluate the performance of paid social media advertising campaigns, including ad spend, click-through rates, and conversions.

Startups should allocate budget strategically. CPG brands should run product-focused ads. B2B brands should target specific industries. Large tech brands should promote new features. Non-profits should use ads for fundraising campaigns. Governmental entities should use ads for public awareness and public service announcements.

Content Quality Check

Assess the quality of visuals, videos, and written content for consistency and alignment with brand guidelines.

Startups should invest in professional visuals. CPG brands should showcase product quality. B2B brands should provide valuable insights. Large tech brands should emphasize innovation. Non-profits should tell impactful stories. Governmental entities should use clear and concise language.

Analytics and Reporting

Utilize analytics tools to track key performance metrics such as reach, engagement, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Startups should focus on early growth metrics. CPG brands should monitor e-commerce conversions. B2B brands should track lead generation. Large tech brands should assess the impact on product adoption. Non-profits should measure fundraising success. Governmental entities should monitor public sentiment and engagement. 🎶✨

All of these recommendations come with a caveat:

ROI is NOT optional.

The importance of ROI (Return on Investment) in social media marketing lies in its ability to measure the effectiveness and profitability of marketing efforts. Here’s what it allows you to do:

Assess Efficiency
Which social media strategies and campaigns are delivering the best results, ensuring efficient resource allocation.

Maximize Your Budget
Optimize your marketing budget, reducing waste and improving profitability.

Prove Value
Provide tangible evidence of social media's contribution to the organization's bottom line, helping justify marketing investments.

Inform Strategy
Insights from ROI analysis inform future social media strategies, enabling data-driven decision-making for better outcomes.

ROI in social media marketing is the compass that guides strategy, budgeting, and decision-making to achieve business goals.

Holler at us ⬇️⬇️⬇️ to talk more about your social media audit!