Dell EMC has the most innovative cloud-scale hardware on the market, but the complexity of it made getting that message to market difficult. All while streamlining and rebranding social media channels during tech’s largest merger. Crown’s objective was clear: simplify.

Our approach was to drop the jargon and tell ITDMs about the benefits of SDS and EMC Cloud technology in a simple, easy-to-understand campaign designed around sharability.  We retargeted the heaviest engagers of the content with highly targeted ads and reached out to cloud technology evangelists with content packages designed to get them to promote a microsite that broke down the complexities of cloud technology and explained how Dell EMC’s platforms worked together to power growth and innovation in leading enterprises. 

CROWN seeded Dell EMC’s feed with eye-catching and engaging social images that got at the heart at what cloud technology is all about, made subtle-yet-key changes little-by-little over the year-long acquisition process, and streamlined our social presence, sunsetting channels while retaining, consolidating and renaming audiences.
Marketing animations developed for Dell EMC
Turns out dropping the tech jargon and messaging around what matters most to ITDMs is an effective strategy. Numbers don’t lie.
Website for EMC Software Defined (No longer live)
Project Information

Client: Dell EMC
Title: Brand Identity, Web App and Social Media for Castbox
Tags: Strategy, Design, Animation, Motion Design, Video, Web Social

Creative Direction and Concept CROWN SOCIAL
(No longer live)