Brand Strategy

If branding is the most fun a design firm can have, then is brand strategy the most fun a strategist can have?

At CROWN, we have a proprietary workshop-based program that leads to brand strategy that attracts the right audience, signals the intended virtues, and facilitates stakeholder buy-in.

Brand strategy is a long-term plan for the development of a successful brand to achieve specific goals. CROWN employs a personalized, in-depth approach to brand strategy. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the brand strategy process from our perspective:

Discovery & Research

Client Briefing: Begin with an understanding of the client's vision, mission, goals, and existing challenges.
Competitive Analysis: Research competitors to identify market positioning, strengths, weaknesses, and gaps.
Stakeholder Interviews: Speak with key stakeholders (e.g., executives, employees, customers) to get diverse perspectives about the brand.

Brand Audit

Current Brand Evaluation: Review existing brand assets, messaging, and presence across various channels.
Market & Trend Analysis: Understand current market trends and predict future shifts.

Target Audience Definition

Customer Segmentation: Identify and categorize the primary and secondary target audiences.
Persona Development: Create detailed personas to humanize the target audience, outlining their behaviors, preferences, needs, pain points, etc.

Brand Positioning

Value Proposition: Define what makes the brand unique and why customers should choose it over competitors.
Brand Pillars: Identify the core principles that will drive the brand's actions and communications.
Positioning Statement: Craft a succinct statement that encapsulates the brand’s unique value and differentiation.

Brand Identity Development

Name, Logo, and Tagline: If starting from scratch or rebranding, create a memorable name, logo, and tagline that resonate with the target audience and reflect brand values.

Visual Identity: Define the brand's colors, typography, imagery style, and other visual elements.

Voice and Tone: Describe how the brand communicates, its style of language, and emotional undertone.

Brand Messaging Strategy

Key Messages: Develop core messages the brand wants to convey consistently.

Content Strategy: Outline what kind of content will be produced, for which platforms, and how frequently.

Touchpoint & Experience Strategy

Customer Journey Mapping: Plot out all points of interaction between the brand and its customers.

Experience Enhancements: Identify opportunities to enhance customer experience at each touchpoint.

Implementation Plan

Channel Strategy: Define where and how the brand will engage with its audience (e.g., social media, traditional media, events).

Campaign Ideas: Propose specific marketing and advertising campaigns to promote the brand.

Budgeting & Resourcing: Allocate resources for various strategic initiatives based on priority.

Monitoring & Optimization

KPI Definition: Establish key performance indicators to measure the success of brand initiatives.

Regular Check-ins: Schedule periodic reviews to assess progress and adapt the strategy as needed.

Feedback Loop: Encourage client feedback and iterate on the strategy based on real-world results.

Evolution & Growth

‘Brand Refresh: As markets and audiences evolve, periodically revisit and tweak the brand identity and strategy.

Continuous Learning: Stay updated with new tools, technologies, and methodologies to keep the brand relevant and effective.

Through our proprietary workshop, where we leverage our client’s team’s existing knowledge, CROWN offers unique insights and recommendations tailored to a brand's specific needs and challenges. Our smaller size often allows for more flexibility, agility, and direct client collaboration throughout the brand strategy process.